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The Summit Traffic Client section contains helpful information for our current Technical Support Clients.

If you are a current Technical Support Client, you may register an account and we will notify you via email if your request is approved.

What automation/insertion platforms are supported?

Summit Traffic Automation/Insertion Interfaces

Summit Traffic has interfaces to most analog and digital automation equipment.  If Summit Traffic doesn't already interface with the equipment, we can easily create a tight, seamless interface to the equipment that best meets your needs. 

Click the link below for your operation.




What database engine does Summit Traffic use?

Why did we choose Pervasive Pervasive PSQL for the database engine?

Quite simply, it does what we need it to do better than any other engine.  In order to provide both real-time dynamic scheduling and comprehensive reporting, a simple SQL solution isn't adequate.

From the Pervasive PSQL Evaluation Guide:

Pervasive PSQL provides both transactional and relational data access in one database engine.  Users can employ both data access methods to the same data at the same time, providing multiple views of a single data store.  The transactional method provides a very high level of programming control and the fastest transaction processing on the market today.  The relational method provides the ability to access data using standard SQL and other open-standard tools such as ODBC.  Now users can optimize transaction-intensive applications for speed, without compromising the flexibility and ease-of-programming of reporting-intensive applications.  Both data access methods may even be used in the same application, at the same time, to optimize individual tasks.

This unique architecture delivers the ability to access a common data store with the method that is most appropriate for a particular task.  The developer may, for example, optimize a high-throughput transaction-intensive task, such as processing high-volume bank account data, [or dynamic, real-time scheduling] using the transactional access method for its sheer speed and reliability.  At the same time, and in the same application, a task that requires relational access - reporting, for example - would use the relational access method for its sophisticated query capabilities.  With other databases, individual functions can be optimized, but the developer is locked into the database's overall access method; a relational database works well for reporting, but it does not provide the speed required for high-volume transaction processing operations.  In addition, when multiple databases are used in the same environment, existing data may be incompatible or require a time-consuming conversion process.

Can Summit Traffic do Electronic invoicing (EDI)?

We have been asked by some of our clients if we can do electronic invoicing from the Summit Traffic system.  It is important to us to meet the needs of our clients.  We have created EDI output capabilities. 

They have new requirements from some clients: "all invoices must be sent electronically to a data systems vendor on behalf of clients in accordance with the 4A's approved format for Electronic Standard Station Invoice Specification, or they will be charged a handling fee per invoice."

For further information please go to these web sites:, eMediaTrade now, and many more...

Instructions (105.40 kB) for creating EDI files in Summit Traffic.

What are the hardware requirements to run the Summit Traffic system?

Summit Traffic will run on most any modern PC running Windows 32-bit operating systems.  We recommend Windows 10 Pro.

If you use Windows 10 with 64-bit, you have to have the Pro version and you will need to install Hyper-V, or similar software, and then install a licensed copy of Windows 10 32-bit to a virtual machine.  Microsoft has some info on Hyper-V - not recommended for the server/host.

A minimum of 512 MB of memory is required for workstations.  We recommend at least 1GB.  A minimum of 2GB for servers; of course - more is better.  We recommend at least 512 MB per concurrent user for the server.

Internet access to send files to Summit Traffic Technical Support staff, etc. is required.

Some method of backing up files (flash drive, etc.), antivirus protection, and a UPS are recommended.

A printer is required for printing reports, invoices, etc.

To have multi-user access, the Summit Traffic system will need to be run on a LAN.  We support Peer-to-Peer, Windows, Novell, or Linux based networks.  No special database or application server is required.

We use the Pervasive PSQL v9.x database engine which is required to acquired and installed.  Please call the office for pricing.

When purchasing hardware, factor in the operation's tolerance levels and desires.  For one operation, a lower cost system may be more important and less throughput more tolerable; for another, throughput may be paramount.

How does the Summit Traffic system handle Daylight Savings Time?


If you are printing a manual log: The 2:00 a.m. hour is not played at all.  Master Control plays the 1:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. program and then skips to the 3:00 a.m. program.

If you are Automated: The computer should be programmed for daylight savings time and will automatically set the clock one hour ahead, hence the automation will skip the 2:00 a.m. hour.

Billing: Auto-reconciliation will place the spots scheduled in the 2:00 a.m. hour in make goods or if they are fillers it will not acknowledge that they ran.

If manually editing the log, you will need to place the spots that were scheduled in the 2:00 a.m. time slot to make goods or cancel them.


If printing a manual log: The 2:00 a.m. hour is repeated.  Master Control plays the 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. program and then plays it again.

If Automated:  The computer should be programmed for daylight savings time and will automatically set the clock one hour behind, hence the automation will replay the 2:00 a.m. hour.

Billing: Auto-Reconciliation will place the spots scheduled in the 1st 2:00 a.m. hour to the times they ran.  If there are make goods to match to the spots from the 2nd 2:00 a.m. hour, they could be made good or they will be reported in the Extra Verified list report.  Use that list to create spots for them and place them on the log, if necessary.

If manually editing the log, you may create and place the spots that were played in the 2nd 2:00 a.m. hour on the log, if the Advertisers will pay for them or if you want to show bonus spots played on the invoice.

How do I install the Summit Traffic system?

You will need to look at the instructions for the type of installation that needs to be done. You may also contact Summit Traffic Product Support to do the install for you. The computer(s) must meet the hardware requirements and have all the latest updates. Servers and Client machines must also be connected to the network before an install can begin.

See below for step by step instruction.

Standalone Installation

Server Installation

Client Installation

Default Directory Structure

\Smt -                       main Summit Traffic directory
\Smt\Db -                 database
\Smt\Modules -         executable modules
\Smt\Archive -          database archives
\Smt\Import -            files for import
\Smt\Export -            exported files
\Smt\WksnLogs -      workstation logs
\Smt\Sch -                 created automation schedule files
\Smt\Ver -                 automation verification files
\Smt\Dbg -                automation verification debug files

How do I navigate in the Summit Traffic system?

Navigate through records in a database table from within various data entry and report forms.  Choose actions by pressing buttons on the toolbar (see below).  When scanning (First, Prior, Next, Last), records are presented in order by Number, Description, or, in some cases, other criteria (see note below).  Specify the order by selecting Number, Description, or Other on the "Options>Navigate by . . ." submenu.

Navigation Buttons

The navigation functions are:

First - Select to display the first record in the table.

Prior - Select to display the record that precedes the record that is currently displayed.

Next - Select to display the record that follows the record that is currently displayed.

Last - Select to display the last record in the table.

Options Menu, Navigate by...

The record that is displayed depends on the "navigate by" option currently selected.

NOTE: The Other navigation criterion will not be found on all forms within the Summit Traffic system.  It is only presented as an option when the table has a tertiary index defined.

What are some suggested daily traffic activities?

Though daily Traffic activities will vary depending on the Station and Traffic management needs, the most common Traffic activities include the following:

Reconcile the logs for the previous day or weekend.

(Installations using an automation system will Reconcile logs in the Automation Module.)      

Post reconciled logs, if using posting.

     (Installations using an automation system will have the logs posted automatically when running the reconcile function)

Enter new Programs.

Enter new Contracts

Enter Traffic Instructions in Copy data entry.

Print Confirmations.

Reschedule make goods.

Edit logs, making any final changes.

Assign filler spots to logs.

Print Missing Copy summary and correct Copy errors.

Assign Copy to logs.

 Print the Schedule Discrepancy Summary.  Review and correct any problems.

Print logs

(Installations using an automation system will create schedule files in the Automation Module.)     

Archive the database

Run a BACKUP!  Check with the system administrator for the back-up procedure.

Summit Traffic Suggested Traffic Procedures (179.45 kB)

What are some suggested weekly traffic activities?

Print the Schedule Discrepancy Summary, review and correct problems.

Print the Pre-Billing Analysis Report, review and correct problems.

Run a Database Inconsistencies check.  Review and correct problems.

Run the A/R Integrity Test.  Review and correct problems.

Run a BACKUP!  Exchange with the offsite backup copy.

Summit Traffic Suggested Weekly Procedures (86.52 kB)

What are some suggested monthly procedures?

 Run Remove Expired data

Run A/R Data Integrity Check

Extend Schedules

Reset Workstation Logs

Summit Traffic Suggested Monthly Procedures (86.52 kB)

What are some suggested Billing procedures?


Review Pre-Billing Analysis Report with Sales and Traffic departments and correct problems.


Create invoices using the Billing Procedure for all the necessary Billing Cycles.

SBC Billing Procedures (158.01 kB)

Calendar Billing Procedures (135.20 kB)

Balancing Procedures (103.59 kB)


Update billing history

What are some suggested AR activities?


Enter payments.  Make sure the Payments Received report matches the deposit register.

How to enter Prepayments (98.93 kB)

Enter trade credits.  Make sure the Trade Credits Applied report matches.

How to enter Trade Credits (101.38 kB)

Enter adjustments.  Make sure the Adjustments report matches.

How to enter Adjustments (96.39 kB)

How to Add Transactions (101.20 kB)

 A/R Transaction Codes (91.83 kB)


Print the Balance Summary report.  Make sure the prior balance matches the new balance from last month's report.  Make sure the totals for charges, credits, etc. are correct.  You may use one of the balancing spreadsheets below for your convenience.

A/R Balance form in Portrait (195.50 kB), A/R Balance form in Landscape (44.00 kB)

Apply finance charges, if you are using this feature.  Check results on the F/C Applied report.

Print Statements.

Adjust prepayments.  Verify with the Adjustments report.

Print a new Balance Summary report and save for comparison to next month's report.

What are some suggested end of year procedures?

Update billing history

Billing History Goals Utility Module

This is to be done after December's billing but before January's billing.

Update Billing History

Year ending date:  Select the date for the year end.

Select Channels:  Select the Channel to update and click on Update.

Caution  Only run once a year!!!!!

What are some suggested data purging procedures?

Archive database tables

1. Close Summit Traffic and all modules on all workstations

2. Go to Start, Programs, Summit Software, Utility

3. Logon like you do Summit Traffic

4. Click on "Archive Database Tables"

5. Click the "Set All" button

6. Click on "Start"

7. When it is done, the boxes will be unchecked and the "Close" button will highlight.

8. Close the module and answer "Yes" to logoff and exit.

Remove Expired Data

9. Go to Start, Programs, Summit Software, Utility

10. Logon like you do Summit Traffic

11. Click on "Remove Expired data"

12. Put a checkmark next to the items to purge.

13. Set the dates to how long to keep certain data, or use the suggested dates given.

Caution  Be sure you won't need the data before this date.

14. Click the "Start" button.

15. When it is done, the "Close" button will highlight.

16. Close the module and answer "Yes" to logoff and exit.

Rebuild the data

17. Go to Start, Programs, Summit Software, Utility

18. Logon like you do Summit Traffic

19. Click on "Rebuild Database tables".

20. Click the "Set All" Button.

21. Click on "Start"

DO NOT STOP this from running or more data will be lost.  If you get ANY message at all - call Summit Traffic Technical Support immediately.

22. When it is done, the boxes will be unchecked and the "Close" button will highlight (Some boxes might still be checked and that is ok.)

23. Close the module and answer "Yes" to logoff and exit.

Check the data

24. Go through the Summit Traffic system and check the data to be sure you have what you want.

25. Continue business as usual.

If you have removed too much, contact Summit Traffic Technical Support immediately, so they can give you the steps to restore the Archive.

How do I get a report, log, statement, confirmation or other item from Summit Traffic to print to a file?

Many reports in the Summit Traffic system may be saved in various formats for use by other applications.

In the "Print Preview" window, click on the disk icon to save the report.  See below for some of the options.

Print Preview Save Report

Save Report Save As Types

If you have a PDF printer driver installed, you may select the "Printer set up" button and then choose that printer and click "OK".  Then press the "Print" button.

Print Preview Printer Set-up button

Printer Set-up Select Printer options

Print Preview Print button

What does the field "Auto Reschedule" on Contract Data Entry do?

This value will carry over when adding new Schedule pages.  Each Schedule page may be changed to have a different Auto Reschedule code, if desired.  (found on the Additional tab on the Schedule page).  Any function that reschedules make goods will refer to this field of the Contract Schedule pages.  Examples of rescheduling make goods are Reschedule Make goods, adding new programs with auto reschedule make goods option enabled, schedule editing, and automatic automation verifications.

Valid days only - Make goods will reschedule for only the days that are valid on the Schedule page

No auto reschedule - No make goods will be rescheduled

Same day of week only - Make goods will reschedule on the same day of the week that the spots originally tried to air

Any date in flight - Make goods will reschedule any day it may in the flight

Same date only - Make goods will reschedule the same date the spots originally tried to air.

How do I put the updated license key file in place?

Summit Traffic Technical Support will send an email with the updated license key file (license.key).  Do not open the file.  First, make sure that everyone has Summit Traffic closed.  Save the file to the SMT folder on the main Summit Traffic computer, whether that is a server, host, or standalone system.  You should be prompted to overwrite the file that is there, answer "Yes".  Please contact us if you need assistance.

There are some links to PDF files on this website.  You must have a PDF reader in order to view PDF files.

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